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Exploration and practice of genetics teaching reform basedon the perspective of innovation and entrepreneurship education

【来源:《华夏医学》编辑部 | 作者:ZHANG Zhen,etc. | 编辑:李佳睿 | 发布日期:2024-09-20】

ZHANG Zhen,HUANG Jiang, MA Jisi, WANG Lingyu,LI Yong, FU Can

( Guilin Medical University, Guilin 541199,China)

Abstract In order to cultivate students’ innovation consciousness and entrepreneurial ability, the teaching teamextracted the elements of innovation and entrepreneurship in the genetics curriculum, promoted the integration ofgeneties curriculum and innovation and entrepreneurship education through three aspects: rooted creative ideas inclassroom teaching, training innovative thinking in experimental curriculum teaching and cultivating entrepreneurialability in the second class. After two semesters of preliminary exploration, it was shown that this reform method hasaroused students' interest in genetics, culivated students’ innovation awareness and ability, stimulated studentsentrepreneurial potential, and promoted students’ comprehensive development. The questionnaire showed thatstudents were highly satisfied with the teaching reform method of integrating innovation and entrepreneurshipeducation into genetics curriculum, This reform of genetics course teaching based on innovation and entrepreneurshipeducation could further promote the teaching level of genetics and contributed to the cultivation of talents withinnovation and entrepreneurship ability.

Keywords: genetics: course teaching; innovation and entrepreneurship education ; teaching relorm


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版权所有:华夏医学(Acta Medicinae Sinica)  联系电话:0773-2805467  电子邮箱:huaxia@glmc.edu.cn  地址:广西桂林市临桂区致远路1号桂林医学院明德楼316  (541199)